Verdantas (formerly Project Navigator, Ltd.) is the Project Manager/Coordinator for the Ascon Landfill Site in Huntington Beach, California. Ascon is a 38-acre former landfill that is now a State Superfund site containing mostly oil exploration waste and construction debris. Verdantas manages all aspects of the project, including communications and negotiations between the site owners, potentially responsible parties, the oversight agencies, and other project stakeholders; manages consultant and contractor costs, project controls; maintains and drives the site’s closure strategy and coordinates interactions between the eight Responsible Parties (RPs), project stakeholders, DTSC (the site’s lead oversight agency), as well as other regulators. Verdantas also manages the public affairs for the project, including conducting regular briefings and site orientations with the city, including emergency responders, preparation and distribution of fact sheets and community notices, public meetings and open houses held in the community, hosting a project website to inform the community of public documents and activities, and operating a 24/7 hotline during construction activities.
The final remedy for the site consists of removal of select waste to an offsite landfill facility, reconsolidation of remaining waste to the interior of the site, re-grading the site to provide suitable storm-water drainage gradients, and construction of an engineered cap to cover remaining waste materials. Groundwater and landfill gas at the site have been assessed. Groundwater continues to be monitored, while design of the cap incorporates a landfill gas collection and treatment system.
Preparations for the remedy, managed by Verdantas, have included remedial investigations for soils and groundwater, risk assessments, the feasibility study, the Remedial Action Plan, modifying the agency-approved remedy, construction contractor evaluation, selection and management of contractors, cost analyses, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) oversight (including the DTSC-certified Environmental Impact Report), and management of the project budgets and long-term forecast.
Verdantas maintains a website containing information about the project at
Superfund Project Coordination & Liability Management
Environmental Assessment & Remediation
Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, Shell, Atlantic Richfield, Dow Chemical, Northrop Grumman Systems, Southern California Edison
Huntington Beach, CA